Track Your Cashflow Faster

Uncover the unique opportunities to improve your cashflow and financial visibility.


A commitment to finding creative and forward-thinking solutions for clients and continuously improving financial processes.


A dedication to delivering high-quality services and building strong, professional relationships with clients.


A focus on understanding and meeting the needs and goals of clients, and delivering results that make a real difference.

A high-quality set of services

Budgeting & Reporting

Enabling your businesses to allocate resources efficiently, track financial performance and more.

Business Planning & Strategy

Formulate a strategy that provides clarity, direction, and a roadmap for achieving your business objectives.

Executive Financial & KPI Planning

Create a clear financial roadmap and measurable benchmarks that align with the organization's activities and goals.

Financial Management

FinOps automation saves time, reduces errors, and enhances efficiency by automating repetitive financial tasks.

Financial Operations Automation

Support decision-making efforts by staying informed and create sustainable business success.

Risk Management

Protect assets, minimize losses and ensure resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges.

How is Money Track Different?

Money Track stands out for several reasons:

Tailored Solutions

Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, Cash Flow Labs customizes its services to your business's unique needs. We collaborate closely with you to create solutions that address your specific pain points.

Advanced Technology

We leverage cutting-edge technology and analytics to provide real-time insights and actionable recommendations. This ensures that you not only automate financial processes but also make informed decisions for strategic growth.

Comprehensive Risk Management

Our risk management services go beyond protection. We help you turn risk insights into a competitive advantage, allowing you to navigate uncertain environments with confidence.


Budgeting and reporting encompass the creation of a financial plan (budget) and the regular analysis and presentation of financial data (reporting) to monitor performance and guide financial decisions.


Budgeting and reporting enable businesses to allocate resources efficiently, track financial performance, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make data-driven decisions for growth and profitability.


Business planning and strategy encompass the development of a comprehensive plan that outlines a company's goals, strategies, and actions to achieve sustainable growth and success.


Formulation of a strategy provides clarity, direction, and a roadmap for achieving business objectives. It helps optimize resource allocation, aligns the organization with its goals, and enhances decision-making, ultimately leading to business resilience and profitability.


Executive Financial & KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Planning involves the strategic development of financial goals and the establishment of KPIs to measure performance and guide executive decision-making.


This planning process provides executives with a clear financial roadmap and measurable benchmarks, enabling them to align the organization's activities with strategic objectives, optimize resource allocation, and make informed decisions to drive growth and profitability.


Financial management involves overseeing a company's financial resources, including budgeting, financial planning, asset management, and risk assessment, to ensure its long-term financial health and growth.


Effective financial management provides a clear financial roadmap, optimizes resource allocation, and supports informed decision-making for sustainable business success.


Financial Operations Automation is the use of technology and software solutions to streamline and optimize various financial processes within a business, such as invoice processing, expense management, and payroll.


FinOps automation saves time, reduces errors, and enhances efficiency by automating repetitive financial tasks, resulting in improved financial visibility, cost savings, and better decision-making.


Risk management involves the identification, assessment, and mitigation of potential risks that could impact a business's financial stability and operations.


Risk management helps protect assets, minimizes losses, ensures resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges, and supports regulatory compliance, ultimately safeguarding stakeholder trust and business continuity.

Ray from RW Digital
“It’s been a pleasure getting to know and work with Felix. He constantly challenges me on my longer-term vision and goals, and has helped me create financial milestones to work towards. Thanks to his expertise, my time has been spent on growing the business, rather than worrying about short-term financial goals.”


Principal at RW Digital

“Felix wears many hats and wears them well. He supports the leadership team by consistently maintaining financial and operational transparency. He has experience launching new business units in other countries, and managing team members remotely across borders.”


Founder of

“Felix was great to work with and really helped me identify my most profitable business projects so I can focus more time on the work that actually makes me money.”


CEO MariaB.

Our Plans

Perfect for small businesses and individuals looking to get started.
Get started
Financial Operations Automation
Monthly reports
Ideal for growing startups and teams with advanced needs.
Get started
Financial Operations Automation
Monthly reports
Budgeting and Reporting
Business Planning and Strategy
Best for scaleups or businesses with complex operations.
Get started
Financial Operations Automation
Monthly reports
Budgeting and Reporting
Business Planning and Strategy
Financial Management
Risk Management
Executive Financial and KPI Planning
moneygram icon


What features and benefits does your service offer?

Our services offer a range of features and benefits, including streamlined financial processes through automation, comprehensive budgeting and reporting for better financial control, and proactive risk management for asset protection and resilience.

These services collectively help businesses operate efficiently, make informed decisions, and safeguard their financial stability.

Do you provide any other services?

No, we do not.

What if I am not happy with the services?

If you are not happy with our service, we are committed to addressing your concerns and working towards a resolution. We value your feedback and will take all necessary steps to improve your experience with our services.

Our goal is to provide you with the best possible solutions and support to meet your financial needs and expectations.